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Can't spawn items, crash


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I'm new to modding, and I'm working on setting up my first modded version of Skyrim SE. 

I've run in to a problem with getting clothing/armor to spawn to my inventory, I've tried a few different tools, QUI, dMenu, as well as trying to spawn pieces from different clothing/armor mods, and I always get the same issue. I get the menu up, select the piece of clothing i want to spawn, and as soon as I hit 'enter' to spawn it, the game shuts down.

I'll include a list of my mods.

I've tried googling it, but I've found no one describing the same issue. Hopefully someone here knows the cause

Skärmbild 2024-11-29 125409.png

Skärmbild 2024-11-29 125421.png

Skärmbild 2024-11-29 125431.png

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