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add more 1800-1900 weapons


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I have an idea for a mod. There are many identical weapons in Red Dead Redemption 2 that only differ in appearance (such as engravings and carvings, like Emmet's and Flaco's revolvers, which are just Cattleman revolvers with some different engravings and carvings). Additionally, there's a gap in the weapon categories; for example, the absurd difference between the Springfield Rifle and the Bolt Action Rifle, with no middle ground between the two. This happens across various classes.

I had the idea to add the following rifles:

  • Vetterli-Vitali (a slightly faster alternative to the Springfield Rifle)
  • Martini-Henry (slower than the Rolling Block)
  • Mauser 98 (a faster alternative to the Bolt Action)
  • Mannlicher (an alternative to the Bolt Action)
  • Berthier (an alternative to the Carcano)
  • Meunier (a faster Carcano option)
  • Mosin-Nagant (an alternative to the Bolt Action)
  • Lee-Enfield (faster with lower damage)
  • Arisaka (an alternative to the Lee-Enfield)
  • Gewehr 98 (an alternative to the Mauser)
  • Winchester 1895 Russian Model (a lever-action rifle with better range)

For pistols and revolvers:

  • Mars Automatic (high damage, low rate of fire, and high recoil)
  • Bergmann N4 (an alternative to the Mauser 96)
  • Revolver MK3 (an alternative to the Double Action Revolver)
  • Remington 1858 (a middle ground alternative to the Navy Revolver)

I’d love for someone to make a mod like this or at least help me with it. I’m trying to learn but I’m struggling with file format conversions. I´m such a big fan 1850-1900 weapons, BF1 has a great diversification, for example

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