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Location of mod source/weblink data for new install


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Dear Vortex Wizards,

I have recently switched computers and tried to move my installs of mods from the prior system to the new one with the instructions on the knowledge base: https://wiki.nexusmods.com/index.php/Moving_your_Vortex_Mod_Setup_to_a_new_Computer#

I am able to get the mods to load in, however the full history of the links to the Nexus site web pages (and the ability to flag new versions/update) don't come along for that ride. I have a backup of the old drive, however, so if there is a specific file I can replace into the new install I can do that. Is there such a file available in the root or someplace in the appdata folder? I poked through the files and didn't see one, but having those links is enough to make me spend several painful hours redownloading if there is no other option. Thanks in advance for your help.

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