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Enchantments from TES Past games.


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Basically considering how long Skyrims been around, I have not seen anyone try adding new enchantments from past TES games. Yes, I know there are awesome mods that adds hundreds of new enchantments but alot of them are just weird gimmicks like killing an enemy to gain extra gold, or 'attack enemy to gain movement buff', half or most of them don't fall in line game mechanically with the rest of the past TES Games like Oblivion or Morrowind, especially the kind of rings where you could cast a spell as if its a staff, using only the charge in the ring instead of Magicka.

I would love it if anyone could make a mod that lets you make enchantments like that or as loot found.

Edited by Kolagon
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4 hours ago, Kolagon said:

...I'm sad no ones replied to try and make my request..

I totally agree—most enchantment mods focus on gimmicks rather than bringing back classic TES mechanics. The idea of rings and amulets working like staves, using charges instead of Magicka, is something that could definitely be done.

It would require modifying leveled lists to add these items as loot, plus scripting to make enchanted gear cast spells on use. Skyrim’s staff system already works this way, so it’s just a matter of adapting it to wearable items.

If you’re interested in trying it yourself, I can walk you through the process. Otherwise, I’d love to see someone pick this up—it would be a great addition to Skyrim!

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4 hours ago, SirCadsimar said:

Mods like that would take a lot of work, and Bethesda's game engine does have limits.

Yeah, it would take a lot of work, and Bethesda’s engine definitely has its limits—but that just makes it all the more important to have people willing to teach and share knowledge. Modding can be complicated, but it’s not impossible to learn with the right guidance.

It’s a shame that more experienced modders don’t step up to help newer ones get started. A little support could go a long way in bringing ideas like this to life.

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