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How to make an object dissapaer after its created?


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You're probably already familiar with the disable command. But I guess there's also the markfordelete command which simply deletes the object from active memory or something.


Maybe the vanilla landmine has a script that could help?


BTW: I'm digging your project. Your blue war hammer is my fave.

AFAIK explosives are hard coded to remove their projectile object. I was thinking there was a flag or option I missed to get the gnomes to vanish but sheesh they pile up quick and I'd hate to think what ramifications that would cause, its funny to watch them fall around the place and stuff. Have half a thought to put a Santa's slay theme to a missile launcher since one version of the missiles fires 7 projectiles at once.



Thanks, the Moujor is winding up have the HFC(Hellfire Cannon) Minigun in a basic form and tinkering with a steam punk Light Saber(using glow effects as a base and not getting very far with they look to liney 0-o). You should see the ammo types, simple explosive ammo types fire/explosion for 2 levels of HFC bullets, 2 levels of Cryo Frost with slow effect,2 levels of Poison(4poi/4damhealth for weak, double for strong for 200ish seconds) for all bullet type ammo. Then HFC and Cryo buckshot and Poison mist a large radius strong poison round for 308,45-70 and 50MG. Theres a poison mist slug and 2 levels of a higher grade explosive HFC and Cryo Frost slug. Not doing much with explosives just playing with frost gnomes LOL. I tried to put in at least 2 levels of damage and radius so people can chose which to use I might make a crazy WTF mod thingy but I like the idea of choice.


If you do not know I have a mod for FO3 http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout3/mods/20037/ Still need to polish it some then add a half damage version but its mostly there and working.

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