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So, who do I ask about importing an armour from another game?


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Okay so new to posting on a forum, so hello all 😛

Second of all, I'm looking for someone who has expertise on importing an armour from one game, and bring it over into Skyrim, with it's physics intact. The armour's name in question is Namielle, from the Monster Hunter franchise. MONSTER HUNTER WORLD: ICEBORNE

I know getting Namielle in as a boss fight for the game would be exhausting to anyone, but the armour I don't think would be too much of a problem (I hope?)

Anyone interested in helping out? If so, thanks in advance 🙂 If not, well thank you for your time :)

(PS: I know that I might have made an error or something to this thread, so any admin that resolves any issues I've created, sorry in advance too!)

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