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Dragon age ARENA / SURVIVAL mod


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I love combat in this game sooo much, and i dont ever want it to stop, i want this game to throw enemys at me non-stop, sadly it only gives me 5-7 goons to kill at a time.
So, anyone knows some kind of mod that adds wave type of combat or something like that, or maybe some1 can create one?
I only know 1 such mod, tis called LAST STAND https://www.nexusmods.com/dragonage/mods/1398?tab=files , this is what im looking for, 'Warden's Calling" type of simple  content, where the warden comes to die in the deep roads, taking with him as many darkspawn as he can. But sadly, this mod have only 1 small map, and at later stages it becomes veeery laggy, at wave 27 i have thousands of corpes and bones on the ground, enemy npc's cant even go past the bodys, they get stuck, and they spawn very thick, 50 goons at the time, cuz of that game lag hard, down to 1-5 fps, i guess this game can't support too many hostiles at the same time or something. Would be cool if someone would fix that mod, or create new one just like this one, a man can dream...


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