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No opinion for attic room from delphine to progress the story


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i’m currently on ‘the horn of jurgen windcaller’ mission and i’ve progressed to the point where it you have to go speak to delphine in riverwood and give the secret code which is meant to be to rent the attic room. However, when i get there i don’t have that option available to select, it just says to rent a standard room. i have tried everything from restarting playthroughs, deleting everything in the skyrim folder and redownloading it, renting standard room and waiting, only having graphics mods on, console commands (which didn’t actually work as didn’t allow me to progress to the blade mission you receive during the mission). i have looked online and it has happened to a few people but no one actually provided a solution that they said worked and the only one i found that did just didn’t prove useful. i did it with no mods on without the skse loader and it allowed me that playthrough but when i then later tried to add the mods on it wouldn’t load but i don’t want to play the game without mods as it didn’t look or feel great.

if anyone knows any suggestions i would be very thankful

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