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Persistent Skyrim Crashing


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So for the past week or so, I've been CTD in Skyrim both consistently and non-consistently. I'll put the Pastebin of my crash below this line.
Mod Configuration Menu Crash
Map + Journal opening crash (Most common crash)

For context, many of the consistent crashes have been when I open the skyrim map and then open my journal. Although there are a few other random instances I've crashed when I tried reading a letter or picking up an item.

This latest crash occurred when I tried opening the mod menu after creating a clean save and doing a test run prior. I installed a new compacity mod for Arcanum and spell research. In my test run, I spent about 40 minutes running a dungeon, doing the Stormcloak quest, and opening my map/journal at random intervals with no crashes on the test run. Except for one crash while all the mods were loading. But then when I try to start a new non-test run, I crash before I can even change the settings in my mods after waiting for everything to load.

Beforehand, I checked my mods and compatibilities. I reinstalled Skyrim and all the mods that I'm using to clean out any extra mods that might've been pulling memory shenanigans but that hasn't helped. I'm unsure if this is really a memory issue, at least with my hardware. I did an entire stealth run of skyrim with more mods that ran just fine even with patches being installed mid-way through. Not ideal to do either way tbf-

The consistent message that I see come up in all of my crash logs is this. This is a wild assumption for me to make as someone who knows nothing about code. However, I worry there's a chance that throughout my modding, my Skyrim.ini might've been changed and could be causing this? This is a wild guess from reading up on another forum mentioning the whole 'Access violation' tidbit. I don't know, these crashes have plagued me all week long. I have not made any edits to my Skyrim.ini. Any help on this would be massively appreciated.

Unhandled exception "EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION" at 0x7FF64066DD0E SkyrimSE.exe+103DD0E    or [r10+rcx*4], eax
Exception Flags: 0x00000000
Number of Parameters: 2
Access Violation: Tried to read memory at 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF

Sometimes it will instead be

Unhandled exception "EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION" at 0x000000000000
Exception Flags: 0x00000000
Number of Parameters: 2
Access Violation: Tried to execute memory at 0x000000000000

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Well first off -

> Back up all current saved games to a different directory.

You seem to imply that there are two mods that seem to possibly be the reason.

Did you start a NEW GAME w/out those two mods active?

Did the crashes happen?

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Yes, I've tried running a new game without those two mods and the crashes still happened.

I almost hope that I've missed something in the crash logs cause I can't find anything that points to an obvious mod being the culprit for my crashes. I think that the mods that are causing my crashes are one or more of the spell research mods. Not Spell research itself, but possibly one of these that are compatibility patches for the other magic mods and changes to spell research. I ran spell research itself and don't remember any crashes, but after I put in these other mods in addition to spell research. I believe the crashes started happening. I've not tested that out yet, but I was hoping I could find a way to make these work or find figure out what I could be missing.

[16] SpellResearch_Book.esp
[FE: 8] Spell Research - Patch Compendium.esp
[FE: 9] SpellResearchAddOn.esp (Spell Research Convenience)
[FE: A] SpellResearchAddOnExpBookPatch.esp (Spell Research Convenience, EXP Book Patch)
[FE: B] SpellResearchUltimatePatch.esp
[FE: 14] SpellResearch_SpellComposing.esp
[FE: 15] OdinSpellResearch.esp

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Okay - well then, the P.I.T.A. protocol is needed, sorry:

> You will, again need to start a clean new game.

> Back up all your saved games.

> Turn OFF ( Disable ) ALL MODS >>> do not delete or remove your mods, just turn them all *OFF*.

> Start a new game, with NO MODS ACTIVE.

> Get beyond Escape from Helgen before you follow the next steps.

> Save - then turn on 4 - 5 mods at a time ... play a bit forward into the game. Small steps and save. Then repeat and turn of 4 - 5 more mods, BUT NO MORE THAN THIS, so that you are not having too many to back track on.

> Eventually you will find the mod / mods in question.

> YOU WILL HAVE TO REPEAT THIS UNTIL ALL MODS HAVE BEEN TESTED ... do not assume " oh I found it...." until all mods have been tested. Trust me, I cannot tell you how many times I assumed this back when I start Skyrim in 2012.

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On 12/5/2024 at 4:17 PM, jjb54 said:


I'll be watching.

I've been doing some limited testing and found that the spell research mod along with a few others aren't the cause of crashes. I still don't know what the cause of crashes is but I wanted to ask. Why can't I work backward? Play testing Skyrim with everything except a suspect mod or two and working down the list?

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You can if you want.

There was 1 mod .. ( this was a few years back ) .. 

I was having no small CTD's in and around Whiterun.

I did all the "USUAL SUSPECTS" and was at my wits end.

So I just TURN OFF ALL OF THEM ... and eventually about 1/2 down my mod list:

It was a HOME MOD in Winterhold. 0..o 

I brought to the creators attention - only to find out he and others were also have the same Whiterun issues.

He removed the mod, in that he could not figure out why?

So - bottom line is: Sometimes it's not the "usual suspects".

I also had other cases of CTD's or Strange Skyrim "physics" ... that proved to be 2 or mods that were not compatible and bugs in the mods.

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Yee, I getcha. In terms of organization, it'd probably be better to gradually enable mods rather than disabling and going down the list.

I had a similar situation, a different set of circumstances here - My game was crashing on start up and it was all thanks to a mod that changed the bee textures. Got that fixed up quickly thankfully.

Honestly, I might throw in the towel with these next few saves cause testing for the mod has been crushing my mood to play Skyrim altogether. I've got a few mods I'm gonna test and then if those don't work, I'll try cutting the research mods (even though I did test to see if those were the mods crashing my game. Though I don't believe they were after testing them on a game with nothing but them enabled.)

The problem is that the crash is not consistent at all. Opening the map and journal even when there's a lot of things happening like combat, taking damage, using spells, etc sometimes doesn't work immediately. I haven't been seeing any crashes when I open a book or do anything with the inventory. I had one run where I thought I found the crash but after 2 hours of thinking I had it. I crashed when testing for it after coming out of the shop (opening map and the journal at the same time.)

If I still crash I don't know what I'll do at least for the time being.

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