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Did we ever figure out the cause of not being able to refill waterskins in rivers in iNeed?


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Did anyone figure out the definitive cause of this bug? Or is there anything in the works to fix this issue? Like a patch or something? I've done my research, and it looks like this has been an issue for a very long time that many people have experienced. The fixes that others have used don't always work for everyone(tho I know this is due to different mod load outs). In my case, I do use some mods that affect lighting and visuals(vivid weathers, enhanced lights/FX), but I don't think these affect water. I really like the concept of this mod but it's a huge hassle to either always go to taverns or make sure I'm always stocked up on booze, lol.

And yes, I am attempting to refill them in fresh water sources, like the rivers near Whiterun and Riverwood, and Lake Ilinalta. If I'm lucky I'll stand in the right spot to refill them, but 99% of the time I'm told there's "no fresh water sources nearby", while waist-deep in the river. I also remember having this problem years ago when I didn't have a computer that could handle many mods, and therefore nothing it could be conflicting with.

Edited by CyberScales
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