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Stardew Valley

SMAPI Doesn't Like It


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Hi guys. I am attempting to make a special edit to my fall town tiles so they look extra decorated for Spirit's Eve. I did a similar thing for a Feast of the Winter Star edit, and that works, but not Spirit's Eve. Maybe someone knows what I'm doing wrong?

This is the command I wrote:

"Action": "EditImage",
"PatchMode": "Replace",
"Target": "Maps/fall_town",
"FromFile": "assets/Maps/fall_town_SpiritsEve.png",            
"When": { "DayEvent": "spirit's eve" },

I have the exact same thing written for Feast of the Winter Star just with the correlating winter town files and all that. It worked just fine, so then I tried to add the Spirit's Eve command and suddenly SMAPI had a problem with it and couldn't load the .json. I remove this specific command and it works okay again, so it seems to me like something wrong with one of these lines. Do I have the name of the event wrong or something?

I promise I checked that there were no typos or incorrect spaces in my .json and also made sure all of my files were named correctly and in the correct folders.

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