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Dragon Age Hair Mods not Appearing in CC


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I am trying to add a variety of hair mods, but none seem to appear in character creator. I compiled all the Chargen files and double checked the chargen files to make sure they were there. They are listed under hair but still won't appear in the game. It has been a long time since I modded DAO. Am I doing something wrong?

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Do you just have the single, compiled chargenmorphcfg.xml file in your override?

Are the hairstyles the only non-replacer cosmetic mods you are using?  If not (you do have other non-replacer cosmetic mods installed) do they appear in the character creator?

When you say that they 'won't appear', are there positions on the slider where the hair is absent (head is missing the back of the skull) or is there just the vanilla hairstyles?

And as @BlickJustice notes, a list of the mods might be helpful.

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1. Only keep 1 chargen in the override at a time (use the search bar to check for duplicates).

2. Make sure you put the meshes & textures themselves in the override.

3. Open that one chargen file in your override with Notepad or Notepad++ and make sure that new entries use exactly the same symbols, especially quotation marks.


<resource name="hm_har_ha1a_0" cut="1"/>


If it's some of Risibisi's hairs, for example, and you've copied the lines from the tumblr as is, the quotes are often (always) incorrect, just replace all of them with the simple version "".

Edited by zloybelka
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