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SSEdit how to forward changes from an ESP to another?


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So I'm trying out Requiem and found out it works very poorly with Werewolf mods such as Growl (prevents its script to allow transformation with just a long cooldown rather than once a day) or in this case MFA by causing invisible head issue


I found this answer but no clue how to actually forward changes and searching on the internet didn't gave any result when trying what I found


"To make it compatible with other werewolf mods, open all of your mods in SSEEdit and forward MFA's changes to the last mod that touches the
WerewolfBeastRace record. The important changes are: FaceGen Head under
Flags; Phoneme Target Names; Head Data/Female Head Data. Then you should
be good to go!"

Thanks a lot! I tried to play Requiem with TWO installed. So TWO need MFA to be installed, but when I started game I got invisible head.

Your advice on compatibility via SSEEdit helped me, I've been trying for 2 or 3 hours to figure out how to put my head back in place)

In my case, it was necessary to transfer the values to the latest mod, which edits the werewolf race (Requiem for the Indifferent)

Edited by alphafr
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