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Vortex "Couldn't find Skyrim.SE.EXE (00000002)"


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I installed skyrim, booted it up. started a couple different games using mods, one of which being the Gate to sovngarde collection, and everything was working totally fine. I made a new profile to try and use skyrim together reborn and after solving a few other issues all I get when I try to boot skyrim from vortex all I get is the error message in the title. I tried a profile with no mods and got the same thing, I've tried manually setting the start location, and I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling, again I booted it up on its own without vortex to download dlcs and started a save file, everything worked fine without vortex. but no matter where I put files or the starting location all vortex gives me is that same error.

lowkey I might have made it worse with what I tried to fix it with please help!

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  • 2 months later...

Hello, I have recently had something similar to your issue, and somehow in some manner managed to fix it and made the mods work (so far).

But firstly, have you tried checking the pathing of Vortex and if it's actually going to Skyrim and not some place else? (directions: Vortex> Games> on the game card/ banner the 3 vertical dots> check the orange text path).

Next, I had tried reloading SKSE (dowloaded the one for Special Edition on Steam, and manged to turn it on, tho still with some mod problems), and then the problem had shifted from "Couldn't find Skyrim.SE.EXE (00000002)" to the game version being too new and incompatible with the current SKSE.

Following a Youtube video to change my Skyrim SE to an older version seemed to have worked like a charm, here is the link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tk_yfbUa3eo .

Or additionally try turning the game on via skse64_loader in your game folder?


Hope this helped.

Edited by chill20020125
Problem popped up again, and found the edit as a possible solution.
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