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Non-existent clutter, contraband, and weapons dumped into my cargo whenever I edit a ship hab


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I was having a hard time figuring this out but it seems that if I enter the ship builder and change something with a hab then I get the message "Some items and weapons may be sent to the cargo hold" then I get a bunch of stuff that was not on the ship dumped into my cargo; contraband, weapons, clutter, food, a bunch of books etc. It appears to be all the random stuff which *could* be in the ship's habs if you board an NPC ship. It does this every time as if the random clutter was 100% present for every possible piece. The first time it happened I had no idea where the contraband came from. Disabling Starfield Engine Fixes (SFSE) did nothing and that's the only clutter-related mod I have.

Occasionally I will also get some item in cargo which I can't get rid of without using "take all" on my cargo. If I just sell or transfer the one item then the item will still be there the next time I check. This happens less often. Sometimes I will get something similar with "transaction can not be completed" if I try to sell it. I can just transfer it to me and drop it somewhere.

It's annoying although I can just eject contraband. One time editing a ship would drop 2 million credits into my ship's cargo which is ridiculous. No idea how *that* could be generated. If I edit a ship the items dumped in my cargo are identical for that ship every time.

Has anyone ever heard of this happening?

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