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(request) Followers for NPC's and for your own followers..?


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I initially posted this in the wrong place, so just to assign it to its correct place:


What if NPC's (and/or followers) could have themselves a follower (or several). Either just by having the player assign them to them, or letting them recruit some themselves somehow?

Either to follow them around, helping them with tasks that make them seem busy and helpful... or following them on journeys along the roads, as bodyguards etc.

I got a comment on my other thread saying that the mod Vilja features something like this, after her first quest you apparently can assign her follower(s) ... maybe that's a start, functions could be copied from there (if allowed). Also, that certain NPC's already seems to have followers... if an NPC dies, others just stand there around the corpse? Not noticed this myself yet though, but haven't looked either...

For immersiveness, immersivity, imm... ok, that's enough

Edited by Myrvarg
forgot (request) in header
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