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A Request


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Dear Fellow Adventurers:

Merry Christmas from Canada!

My name is Shezza, and I'm a female 66-year-old Skyrim player who is writing today with a request to see more male followers in the Nexus.  Don't get me wrong; I'm not against my sex, but I feel that the playing field should be a little bit more evenly balanced. My female Khajit character, Shiloh, does have a female follower in her posse--the Iceni warrior queen, Boudica.  She's not too overpowered,  she's well-dressed—all the things you expect a warrior queen to be. 

I may be out in left field with this, but I thought I'd give it a shot. 


Thank you kindly for your time. I  remain,


                                                                                          Sincerely yours always,



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Hello dear fellow traveler, unfortunately I don't use followers, I would like to give you better help but I can only point out that you see these, I have seen them in streams or videos when someone has used them but I don't know anything else, I hope it can help you.

I leave the links added to the names of the characters, if you click on it it will take you directly to the nexus page:

-Game of Thrones - Followers
Game of Thrones locations: multiple places, add something like 40 new followers between men and women

You have placed this request in the Skyrim Legendary Edition section, although I must believe that you are playing in the Skyrim Anniversary edition so here are from that edition:

Hot location: Morthal Inn
inigo location: He can be found in Riften Jail
-BJORN - Custom Voiced Follower with Quests
Bjorn location: You can start his quest asking about rumors with Delphine or Orgnar at the inn in Riverwood

I don't think I should remind you to check the requirements (although some are very extensive) just make sure you don't need any in particular for your mod list.

I'm sorry I can't be of better help, I hope your adventures never end and you continue enjoying this great game and I wish you a very Merry Christmas too.

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