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[Mod Request] - Randomized Enchanting


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I'm looking for a mod that would make the applied enchantments on a player-enchanted item random.

Having  randomized enchanting would encourage emergent gameplay by: Changing up your playstyle, using different armors, and enchanting more frequently as you play instead of enchanting in bulk for levels.

In my dream version of the mod (beggars can't be choosers) i imagine the following:
Items can now have 3 enchantments at base but the enchantment effects are reduced to 1/3. Doing it this way would add more interesting combos and make less "dud-items" if you need something focusing in a specific direction. The reduction to 1/3 enchantment-power might need to be tweaked due to synergies or the lack thereof.

As and addendum i want to add that the mod would probably have to support enchanting mods since the concept barely makes sense with how limited enchants are in base Skyrim AE.

I would be honored if anyone made the mod.
Love and peace to all.

Edited by dudster0000
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  • 2 months later...

This is just… erm, not really worth it. I can’t imagine many people would want their enchantments randomized, especially if they need a specific one for a particular build or playstyle. Enchanting in Skyrim is already a grind for some players, and adding RNG on top of that would probably just frustrate more people than it would enhance gameplay.

The idea of having three enchantments per item with reduced strength is interesting, but balancing that would be a nightmare, especially with synergy effects. Some enchantments would become way too weak to be useful, while others could still be overpowered in combination.

And yeah, as you pointed out, it would really need to support enchanting overhaul mods, because vanilla Skyrim’s enchantment pool is pretty limited. Even then, most players prefer control over their enchantments rather than relying on luck, since enchanting is already a heavily investment-based skill.

If you’re really set on something like this, you might have better luck tweaking an existing enchantment overhaul mod(make sure you don't need permissions) rather than hoping someone builds a whole system from scratch. But realistically, I don’t see this being something a lot of people would go for.

Edited by ZeroOblivion27
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