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I broke my game ( and restarting is not an option bc I'm just too far in)


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I was messing around in sseedit with trying to make the dovahkinder se port compatible with the hearthfire multiple adoptions mod and I thought I got it to work so I went to test it and I couldn't find my kids (but other than that it seem to be working). I did a clean reinstall of those mods via wyre bash (which is what I've been using for mod installation) and now my game crashes during the loading screen after the main menu. I have tried loading a save from yesterday, but it still crashed. I attached list of my mods and installers (I have skse64 installed as well, but I had to manually install it because wyre bash wasn't installing it right)

installers list.PNG

Mod list part 1.PNG

mod list part 2.PNG

mod list part 3.PNG

mod list part 4.PNG

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