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[5:4] 1280x1024 problems.


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The best way for normal users is to use BethiniPie when you would change something in your skyrim ini files. The reason for this is that you get clear description for mostly every parameter, get preset's for different quality, sync changes between skyrim.ini and prefs.ini. https://www.nexusmods.com/site/mods/631

With editor i mean for exemple Notepad++ or Windows Notepad 

For modorganizer problems/questions i can't help you because Vortex/LOOT user here, sorry. I am now off for some hours because on my way home. Maybe you can take a look at the tools we was talking about, especially BethiniPie.

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In general, I managed to return the ability to change the difficulty level by manually installing the plugin. But now the ability to turn on/off Survival Mode is gone. Or maybe there is something else in its place, I don't remember. But to hell with it, this is not the main problem.

I also manually installed SSE Display Tweaks + Auto Resolution but nothing changed. The resolution and aspect ratio remained incorrect.

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2 hours ago, weiht68 said:

Maybe you can take a look at the tools we was talking about, especially BethiniPie.

I didn't find anything new in "BethiniPie". The program is good, but it didn't help me. Moreover, I found out that no matter how I changed the resolution (with "BethiniPie" or manually, in the .ini file) - nothing changes in the game. The same aspect ratio and not very high-quality flattened image remain. Is it supposed to be like this!? Moreover, this situation is observed both in my assembly and in a clean, just installed Skyrim SE. It feels like it's nailed down somewhere. It's super weird... I don't understand what to do with it.

The saddest thing is that the developers had every opportunity not to discriminate against owners of outdated monitors. I'm sure that this would have taken a pitiful amount of resources and time, but no... In their opinion, we are not worth paying attention to and wasting time on. If you can't buy a new monitor - your problems, you won't play normally. Well, f*#@, sorry, there's a war in my country.

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What's wrong with this damn game!?... If in the launcher the "aspect ratio" is set to "default" - no matter what I edit or where - nothing changes, the image remains low-quality and flattened. And if I choose 16:10, I get a frameless window, stuck to the top of the screen, taking up about `70% of the screen.

The launcher gets these presets from somewhere: 16:9, 16:10, 21:9, 32:9. Where is all this located? How can I "teach" it to understand 5:4? My meager knowledge is not enough 😖 I've dug through the Nexus and the Internet in search of at least some kind of solution or hint, using many different keywords, but I can't find anything. It’s already been the third day since I’ve been trying to solve this, as it seems to me, not a difficult problem... 😫

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6 hours ago, weiht68 said:

I was thinking a bit. Can you check if there is something under the display point in SkyrimCustom.ini under My Games/SkyrimSpecialEdition? If so then you can empty the file. I send over mine (empty).

SkyrimCustom.ini 295 B · 0 downloads

I can't find such a file in any directory related to the game. Where is "SkyrimCustom.ini" located in your case, and is it necessary for me to have it?


6 hours ago, weiht68 said:

I would advice only to change things on one point in the game. For eksempel use only SSEDisplayTweaks for display/resolution changes. A good overview you find here https://stepmodifications.org/wiki/SkyrimSE:Display_Settings

I've looked through the guide, but I can't find anything new for "SSE Display Tweaks". I mean the parameters that I haven't tried to change yet. I sat for a long time changing every parameter that, according to its description, could somehow affect the resolution or aspect ratio. After making each change, I launched the game to check if anything changed. And - nothing... It seems like the game simply ignores any resolutions other than those in the aspect ratio presets in "SkyrimSELauncher". Or at least those that do not match the aspect ratio of the four "SkyrimSELauncher" presets. I'm starting to lose heart...


I am convinced that there is a not very complicated solution to this problem of mine, but I can't even find a hint where to "dig". On such a global forum as Nexus there are probably specialists who could help me with this. It's a shame that my problem isn't worthy of their attention...

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If you are using windows SkyrimCustom.ini should be in your documents folder \My Games\Skyrim Special Edition\. If you don't find skyrimcustom.ini you can still copy my to this folder. Some mods use this file. 

I was checking for the possible resolutions and at least the 13 presets in BethiniPie are working without problems. You can also define your own 1280x1024  and  it should work if you not getting a failure message from Bethini.

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have now get some infos from  my automatic search and got this 

copy from  this 

HI, this is a quick solution for everyone who is triying to play this amazing game and has a 4:3 Monitor.

You won't be able to choose a good resolution in the game launcher because the only "available" options are 16:9 or 16:10, but wait there is a quick fix for you

Close the GameGo to This PC/Documents/My Games/Skyrim Special Edition

Open the SkyrimPrefs.ini

Change bFull Screen=1

iSize H=1024

iSize W=1280

Start the game

The fix isn't mine i saw that a guy called bifboph (so credits to him) has already posted it at steam forums but i wanted to share it in here because it may help someone

Have a nice day

EDIT: this works best with your native resolution. You can also use BethIni to adjust Skyrims confing files.



Maybe this helps?

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52 minutes ago, weiht68 said:

Maybe this helps?

It seems I'm a bit of an idiot. Or maybe not a bit... I missed a very important thing, focusing on the problems. As a result, I made the wrong conclusions, and also unintentionally misled you, the only person who was not indifferent to my problem. Please forgive me, all this time we were trying to fix the wrong thing 😔 Everything is fine with the resolution/aspect ratio.

Look: https://imgur.com/a/x8iDFw7

Open each screenshot in a separate tab to see them better, and switch between them. The textures are fine. Pay attention to the compass and sight. The problem is in the interface. It is he who is flattened along the horizontal axis. It seems that the interface scale is designed for widescreen resolutions, and does not adjust automatically. 

And I would apologize to the developers for my words, but... I re-checked this problem on a freshly installed (clean) Skyrinm SE, and - there is the same problem with the interface.

Now I have to solve another problem, a real one...

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