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[5:4] 1280x1024 problems.


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1 hour ago, 7531Leonidas said:

If it is just your interface, then go look at this mod, it requires SKSE and SkyUI:  ( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/22825 ).  In particular, the 'Full Screen' option.  At the very least, you could ask on that mod's comments page to see if anyone there can help you, maybe even PM the mod author...

Thanks for participating. The thing is... I'd better show you.









And so with the entire interface (directly in the game, the main menu does not have this problem, as far as I can tell). Text, icons, menu frames, logos, sight, compass, bars. All this is flatted. Even the loading screen has the same problem. And I would have used your advice regarding the mod, but as you already understood - the problem is global. It affects everything, not just McM. And this problem is present in an unmodified game, at the resolution of my old monitor 1280x1024.

I've probably spent half a day trying to find a solution. I've looked for patches, fixes, settings, etc. But so far, all to no avail. It looks like I'll have to create a new thread with a proper description of the problem, and not like this time... 😣

Edited by iErase
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