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Nemesis crashing with XP32SSE.


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So I'm working on a new save with a good chunk of mods, and now the next step comes down to getting SOS working, and to everyone's amusement, SOS racemenu needs XP32's racemenu patch or you're tough outta luck. Well I redownload XP32 with the extended patch, ignore all weapon animations and get the SOS compatibility patch and it makes nemesis lose it's s#*! and die every time.

I have XP32 Papyrus stack fix, and I have with great pain pointed it down to XP32's extended patch, the crash doesn't occur with XP32's other basic/minimal patches, just the extended, but guess who needs the f*#@ing extended patch for sos?

Either I'm tough outta luck or you'd be a lifesaver if you got a fix for this s#*!.

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