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Game stays on black screen and won't load every few re-loads.


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I swear, sometimes it feels like i spend more time fixing bugs in this game than i spend actually playing it.

Basically, every few times i re-load the a save, it doesn't load and remains black. During this, I'm unable to use task manager to force close the game because no matter how many times i open task manager the game refuses to minimize, so I'm forced to sign out of my computer and then cancel the sign out, and then re-login to steam and re-open the game. When this happens, i usually have to repeat the process of attempting to load up my save, and then once again repeating the sign out, cancel, re-open process a couple of times because the screen will continue to load up black, and the game will eventually open again around the 2nd or 3rd attempt.

I'm willing to post my modlist/load order or whatever, but i have no clue how to do that so I'll need some help on how to do it because I'm very dumb, and not tech savvy in the slightest. This happens every 3-5 times i reload a save.

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Game version?

How do you start your game? 

Do you get from time to time a crash log?

Have you the correct version of vcredist installed? 

Which hardware, especially graphic card and how much memory as also pagefile size?


Reinstall VCredist booth x64 and x86.

Check the parameters in you graphic driver and set it according your setup/hardware.

Set your pagefile to at least your RAM size (better double of this) and on a other hard disk as your game, if possible.

Use LOOT to identify possible Mod problems https://github.com/loot/loot


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