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(I hope this post is okay I am new to the forums)

Various beautiful things I would love to have in the game/the vibes of recreated. Thank you for reading. There are some mods that fit some of these already but I would love to see/have more!
A lot of this is from FFXIV.. I don't know the artists as I found everything on Pinterest.. Some might even be AI I apologize if so 


I would love some more full coverage girly outfits that don't look too out of place

Witchy Outfits 




✧ Fairy/Druid outfits





✧ Misc





✧ A mushroom/toadstool hat 




Would love some more hair with braids like side braids, braided bangs, braided crowns, etc here's some picture examples (of various curl, wave, and straightness) + bow hair




Flora and misc 

✧ Would love some brighter pink "faerie queen" variety of foxglove for the models + would be amazing if added a light glow with ENB or something



✧ Would LOVE some sparkles/tiny fairies/fireflies/particle effects to create some more ambience to the world (similar to the Illuminations mod for Minecraft)



Skyblivion Mods 

I would love if someone updated the races/NPS + character creation to have them look more like in Oblivion. The races in Skyrim seem more gaunt and sharp in their features (especially the elves) so I would love for more of that round softness to be brought back. 

✧ I would love for someone to recreate the fairies mod https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/67607 or for the author to make a Skyblivion version  

I would love for the pink faerie queen foxgloves + particle effects for Skyblivion too 

Would love Rapunzel armor to be updated for Skyblivion https://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/48192

Rainbows (unless they sneak them in PLEASE!!)

Cute mushroom and witch player homes

Mushroom followers to be updated for Skyblivion or another mod just like it to be created https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/55008

✧ A warm drinks mod like this one https://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/42131

✧ Falling pollen/dandelion seeds/leaves like this mod https://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/46463 and like vanilla Skyrim (unless this is also already in the game) 

Edited by cozysweetpotato
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