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Patch for JK’s markarth outskirts and markarth entrance overhaul


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  • 2 months later...

You’d have to ask JK about that. I wouldn’t really want to fiddle with another modder’s work without permission, and while I get that many have moved on to other things, it still feels a bit off to edit someone else's mod without their say-so.

That said, I personally haven’t noticed any major issues with Markarth’s entrance, either in Skyrim or ESO. It seems to function fine as is, but if there’s a specific conflict between JK’s Markarth Outskirts and Markarth Entrance Overhaul Fixed, you might be able to resolve it with xEdit or a small patch in the Creation Kit. Adding a couple of civil war-aware guards is doable, but again, modifying a mod without permission is something I’d rather avoid.

Best bet would be reaching out to JK or seeing if someone in the community has already made an unofficial patch.

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