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xTranslator problems. Please help me figure this out.


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Hello. Please help me understand the program. I have used "xTranslator" before to localize mods for SkyrimLE, but I don't think I had such problems. Some guides say that xTranslator automatically translates the strings it "knows", but when loading .esp there is not even a hint of the program's attempt to "help with localization". In "Dictionaries and languages" Source language and Destination language are specified correctly. Game path - ".\data folder" and ".\strings folder" - are specified correctly. In the "Preview" window everything is "green", which means ".strings" are connected correctly. So how can I make "xTranslator" take already known localized strings and apply them to the .esp that I am trying to localize? I need to make "xTranslator" take only those strings that are in already localized game files and apply them to the .esp I'm localizing, so that I don't accidentally translate something that shouldn't be translated. Please help me figure this out. I don't know English well and have been trying to figure this all out for several days now without any success...

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