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grwiseart - Formal Warning Issued

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Formal Warning Issued - grwiseart

grwiseart has received a formal warning for violating our community rules.


off topic rant on a mod page -- "everyone should stop eating meat, but not "beecoz climaht chaynge", but because it's immoral to murder other living beings that have done you no wrong..." -- From our ToS, "Please stay on topic. File comments should pertain to the file."


Below are links to where the infractions took place (where relevant). Some links may point to hidden, deleted or restricted content that can only be accessed by moderators.

Account Restrictions

As part of the warning, grwiseart has been restricted from using the following features:

Restrictions: [].

Moderation History

Warning issued by Jannifer. This user has now received a total of 0 formal warning(s).

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