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Need help with "bug" in modded game (world fading very dark -like black- after minutes of gameplay)


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since a few weeks and a total new installation of the gamefiles and mods i have following problem:

After a few minutes gameplay the world is fading very dark - like black - but with several lightsources to be seen.

Also my HUD is normal in that case and when i am scanning my surroundings with the kiroshis i get also the markers of all the dead bodies and electronics around me.

When i am hacking a camera in this situation i get the normal graphics back, but when i switch back to my v - then i have the problem again.

I have tried to solve this problem by myself and searched in google for a solution, updated all my drivers and also i had serveral mods disabled to see if the problem is solved, but nothing helped so far.

Maybe someone here had the same problem and a solution for me?

P.S.: Sorry for my bad english! If you need further explanations and/or pictures of anything - let me know.

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  • 2 weeks later...

its seems you get a broken file save  . it happens when uninstalling / updating a mod on mid playtrough ( save ) , the mods have trigger , register an event on the world .

last time i get this , its for updating Lizzy's braindance mod 1.57 to 1.58 .. 

just clean / rebuild your cache on a new game save .

some mods 're not safe to update , desinstall on a save 

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