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Vortex keeps crashing


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I'm not sure where to post this, so I'm here...

Vortex keeps crashing. Like ever few minutes. I can largely get SkyrimSE to run, but the crashing is driving me nuts. I've turned to MO2, but I really want to use Vortex.


(I'm autistic, so things that you find obvious, I may not. Please be patient.)

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Are you trying to start/run Skyrim through Vortex, like you would for MO2?  That is not necessary, and may consume computer resources to an extent that it causes crashes.  You could install/use Skyrim Performance Monitor ( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/3826 ) if you have a Steam installation, I don't know if SPM has versions for other sources like GOG.  That could show you how close you are to limits on RAM, video card RAM, and total memory usage.  You could also double check that your .NET installation has the proper version for Vortex.  It needs an older version.  Also, I don't know how well Vortex and MO2 coexist on trying to run a single game.  Making sure that MO2 is completely divorced from Skyrim might help.  There are many MO2 users here that might speak up and help.

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I had a problem after updating windows on my computer. On this link https://github.com/Nexus-Mods/Vortex/wiki/Vortex-Troubleshooting  you can find some solutions. Especially the  NET framework was a problem by my installation. In your case i would check/use at first the steps under https://github.com/Nexus-Mods/Vortex/wiki/Vortex-Troubleshooting#fixing-program-files-permissions .


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