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Loup Garou Model overhaul mod request


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For the details for this type of mod is higher muscle definition for Loup Garou, bigger and detailed Abs, Pecs, biceps, thighs, ass cheeks and bulge. His pecs, abs, bulge and ass also need jiggle physics, his coat and pants also get an upgrade to be detailed like the official artwork of Loup Garou. Also give him nipples that would be very nice



  1. higher muscle definition for Loup Garou, bigger and detailed Abs, Pecs, biceps, thighs, ass cheeks and bulge
  2. pecs, abs, bulge and ass jiggle physics
  3. coat and pants upgrade to be detailed like his official artwork
  4. give his pecs nipples
  5. Nude and speedo versions
  6. Pak file
Edited by NahoGarou
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