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Skyrim SE: Game is resetting MCM stuff and spawning me in Sleeping Giant Inn.


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The issue feels like a reference limit save corruption issue but my active reference count is <700k. Temp is less than 400k. Other people stated it is just because i was over or on the 255 ESP plugin limit but i turned some off and the issue persists.

According to SSEdit: "Found 354623 temporary and 251030 persistent loaded references, for a grand total of 605653 loaded references."

I am currently on 253 active ESM + ESP plugins. (Some of those are merge ESPs if that means anything)

I wanted to start my game on The Island mod and played for about 20mins, loaded a save and was teleported to the Sleeping Giant Inn along with all the MCM reset crap. Afterwards i went below 255 esps and did a test run spawning somewhere in Riften, loaded back into that save and the MCM stuff still reset. 

The game CTD as well while loading that but that is a secondary issue i assume is related to the above. If not do let me know.

But as far as i can tell, if the active reference count and the ESM + ESP plugin limit are within acceptable boundaries, i am stumped as to what is causing this corruption issue. Any help would be appreciated.

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Thought I'd update. I turned a bunch of stuff off and it seems that doing that bought me 2 levels worth of playtime before the save got corrupted again. I don't know why this is happening, i am on 240 something esps and the reference count is 700k total and <400k temp. I have gotten SKSE fixes and it is properly adjusted.

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Okay, I remember this happening to me a few years back - sadly, I do not remember the MOD that caused this?

> So here is what I would suggest:

Back up your saved games to another directory.

Then start a clean game - from the start - with *NO* Mods activated, until you finish escaping Helgen ...

Then save and * BACK UP THIS SAVE * to fall unto if you should need it.

Then turn on 1 - 4 mods at a time ... play for "a while" and then add 1 - 4 more mods and so on, until you find the problem MOD/MODS - ( as it could be more than 1 mod.

If you want to PM me your mod list - I might remember ... ????

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