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PSA: Terrain mesh disappears using DYNDOLOD... but it's not what you think

Guest deleted80903

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Guest deleted80903

Hi everyone!

I just tracked down an issue that nearly gave me a seizure.  I thought I would share the whole tale in order to save someone some suffering.

I migrated my massive Skyrim build to a new computer, touched it up, and installed DYNDOLOD which I haven't used in a long while.  Have been playing happily for a week.  Today while adventuring in the Reach, I came to part of the Reach where a mod adds the Black Swan Inn.  I believe it's either Interesting NPCs or maybe Anna NPCs that does this.  Anyways, I passed the inn and went up a hill... and the landscape meshes started flickering in and out.

Since I had JUST installed DYNDOLOD for this run, my initial reaction was, "Why, Sheson, WHAAAAAAIIIIII????!!!!!  Wut hast thou doned to meeeeeeeee????!!!!!" **SOB**


It isn't what you think.

I did some digging.  I wasn't having this issue anywhere else in the game.  And the LODs weren't completely GONE, they were just going in and out based on my changing perspective.  So, not a season LOD issue, and not a DYNDOLOD issue.  I did disable DYNDOLOD and found the problem was still there.

Turns out it was the mod eFPS which places occlusion planes all over that hill for some inexplicable reason.  I had installed eFPS because my other PC where this install began isn't that great.  That mod is fantastic, but it really shouldn't be run with DYNDOLOD and it's potentially going to have compatibility issues with mods that add stuff to the overworld.

Disabled eFPS and problem solved.

I disabled it, by the way, by renaming a blank ESP with the same name as the eFPS mod's ESP and overwriting.  This preserves the load order and shouldn't mess with my save file.

Thought I'd share for posterity.

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