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**Original 8K Map** V1.2 "Solomon's Treasure II: The Long Cold Night" Christmas Edition Released! 2024-12-25


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**Site Announcement:**

Hey, survivors! We're back! As winter approaches, we thought it was the perfect time to share some updates about the current state of the Treasure Series map and our future plans. So, I strongly recommend you read this to the end... Before diving into the main topic, I want to thank everyone who has shared their thoughts, suggestions, and feedback with us. Whether on the 7 Days to Die Chinese forum or in the QQ group—your active participation has allowed us to continuously improve the game, and we are deeply grateful! Now, let's get back to the topic! Many people have been asking about the next content update for "Death Winter," especially regarding gameplay-related content. I’ll try to provide as many details as possible without spoiling too much. Grab your cola,瓜子 (sunflower seeds), and小板凳 (small stools), and let’s get started!

**Game Modes:**

Currently, "Solomon's Treasure II: Death Winter" is about to launch with three game modes—Adventure Mode, Cold Wave Mode (The Long Cold Night), and Despair Mode (Death Winter)! Each mode will offer a brand-new experience and completely different gameplay.

**Adventure Mode:** You will experience the standard story of Solomon's Treasure in 7 Days to Die, with traders operating normally. Escape from Fishing Island, explore various miracle ruins, complete numerous level 7 legendary quests, and finally challenge the level 8 legendary quest—the Terror Cruise! Reach the pinnacle of your life!

**Cold Wave Mode:** In this "Long Cold Night" mode, you will experience a world of Solomon engulfed in heavy snow. Traders are still operating, but their hours are shorter, from 8:00 AM to 8:00 PM. The cold nights are even harder to endure, and survival difficulty is significantly increased! Due to the cold weather, there are no desert biomes on the map, making gasoline a rare resource. Oil shale ore in some buildings becomes the most scarce resource, and vehicles without gasoline are just scrap metal...

**Despair Mode:** In this "Death Winter" mode, you will experience true despair! Due to the aftermath of a nuclear world, extreme weather has swept across the land, causing temperatures to plummet and freezing the entire world of Solomon! You will gradually learn all the necessary survival skills, such as starting fires, cooking, making clothes, hunting, building, and more... Surrounded by packs of dire wolves and zombie bears, you must use your own hands to survive. Death lurks everywhere! Except for the trader Xiu at the Red Fortress, all other traders have fled, and there are almost no living people left in the world of Solomon! This is no longer the traditional "7 Days to Die" game but a true "Survivor" game! It’s a mouthful, but it’s the truth. You’ll have the chance to test and hone your skills to the limit while trying to survive as long as possible. Everything you do is just to stay alive... (A permadeath mode may be enforced later, to see who can survive the longest.)

**Version Overview:**

**Adventure Mode:**
- Trader buildings and item trading are normal, with operating hours from 6:00 AM to 10:00 PM. All settings are balanced with the original 7 Days to Die traders.
- Extreme weather like fog and heavy rain is uncommon. Harsh weather may appear after the 7th day but is not frequent.
- Hunger and thirst levels are normal, with ample food and water supplies.
- Starting locations have plenty of resources, making early survival comfortable.
- High-tier weapons from the Family Weapon Pack can be found early on, and vehicles from the Family Vehicle Pack can be crafted directly.
- Blood Moon mechanics, enemy numbers, and strength remain consistent with the official version.
- Nighttime increases loot stage and experience gain by 50%, with a higher chance of spawning ferocious and irradiated zombies.

**Cold Wave Mode: "The Long Cold Night" Version**
- Production tools in trader buildings are damaged, with operating hours from 8:00 AM to 8:00 PM. Traded items are scarcer, and high-tier items require higher intelligence levels and loot stages.
- Harsh weather can appear as early as the 3rd day! Fog, heavy rain, and other extreme weather are common, with nighttime temperatures dropping drastically. Blizzards are more frequent, and unprepared survivors can easily freeze to death...
- Hunger and thirst levels are doubled, with scarce food and water supplies.
- Starting locations have limited resources, making early survival a serious challenge.
- Only low-tier weapons from the Family Weapon Pack can be found early on, and crafting vehicles from the Family Vehicle Pack requires more resources.
- Blood Moon mechanics, enemy numbers, and strength have been completely overhauled! It’s not uncommon to face irradiated zombies and dire wolves during the first Blood Moon.
- Nighttime increases loot stage and experience gain by 50%, but the chance of spawning ferocious and irradiated zombies is greatly increased. Venturing out without proper preparation will lead to freezing or being devoured by zombie bears...
- There are no desert biomes in this world, making gasoline a rare resource. Oil shale ore in some buildings becomes the most scarce resource, and vehicles without gasoline are just scrap metal...

**Despair Mode: "Death Winter" Version**
- Except for trader Xiu, all other traders have fled! Trader walls are partially damaged and not entirely safe! Operating hours are from 10:00 AM to 6:00 PM, with no tradable items available. Only high-difficulty tasks like repairing generators at night or clearing hordes are available!
- Harsh weather can appear as early as the 1st day! Fog, heavy rain, and other extreme weather are common, with nighttime temperatures dropping drastically. Blizzards are more frequent, and unprepared survivors can easily freeze to death...
- Hunger and thirst levels are tripled, with extremely scarce food and water supplies. Even former friends may stab you in the back to steal your food for survival...
- Starting locations have almost no resources, and you must find a way to overcome random challenges (such as starting with injuries, infections, sprained ankles, or being blocked by dogs). Early survival is a hellish challenge!
- No firearms can be found early on. You must slowly accumulate resources and experience to craft basic tools. Only after increasing your loot stage can you find some finished tools or weapons.
- Blood Moon mechanics are brutal! It’s not uncommon to face explosive soldiers, irradiated zombie kings, or zombie bears during the first Blood Moon... Can you survive the first Blood Moon?
- Nighttime increases loot stage and experience gain by 50%, but it’s best to stay home and not go out... Don’t go out... Don’t go out... (Important things are said three times.)
- In the "Death Winter" version, the most useful items are not the M60 or the compound bow but the campfire and sleeping bag...
- A permadeath mode may be enforced later! Surviving with caution and walking on thin ice should be the true essence of the apocalypse...
- Survivors, dare to come...!!!

**Terrain Buffs:**
- **Green Forest:** The territory of the White River and Skywalker factions, and the best place for new survivors to live! Zombies have 0%-50% increased health. Players gain +10 max health, +10 max stamina, and +20% running speed.
- **Burned Lands:** The main activity area of the Skinners cult, filled with the smell of burning! Zombies have 50%-80% increased health, ignore 10% of player armor, and take 50% reduced damage to non-head areas. Players gain +20% headshot damage, +20% dismemberment chance, and +5% experience gain.
- **Desert:** The territory of the Steel Brotherhood. Zombies and gang members here are even stronger! Zombies have 80%-120% increased health and ignore 20% of player armor. Players gain +30% melee damage and +8% experience gain. Heat is divided into four levels: stuffy, hot, scorching, and heatstroke (which can cause random unconsciousness)!
- **Snowy Area:** The guarded territory of the Eastern Red Dragon Army! The extreme cold weather makes zombies and soldiers even more resilient! Zombies have 60%-160% increased health and ignore 30% of player armor. Players have -10% running speed, +20% melee damage, +30% headshot damage, and +10% experience gain. Cold is divided into: cold, freezing, severe frostbite, and near-death from freezing (which can kill you)!
- **Ruins:** The territory of Duke Navizgan’s branch! Not paying protection fees means death! Ferocious zombies and mutated beasts are everywhere here! Zombies have 150%-200% increased health and ignore 40% of player armor. Players have a 5% chance to crit, dealing 200 damage to enemies. Experience gain is increased by 15%.

**Family Weapon Pack:**
The "Six Family Firearms Pack" includes all firearms with attributes modified from the original 7 Days to Die weapons, only 8%-10% stronger than the original, ensuring they are not overpowered. However, bullet crafting materials are increased (each bullet crafted requires a tax to the Duke), balancing the game. In the apocalypse, firearms are easy to obtain, but bullets are the scarce resource! This aligns with the "Walking Dead" setting. Firearms without bullets are less useful than spears! Each family has its own hero weapon! Crafting conditions are also strict, adopting the "Undead Legacy" weapon upgrade system. Initially, you can only craft level 1 hero weapons, which can be upgraded to level 6 over time. Bullet types are designed similarly to PUBG (PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds), with hip-fire mechanics more like CS (Counter-Strike). Some models are borrowed from Tarkov and Pant weapons, essentially combining the best of everything... The "Six Family Weapon Pack" is a free, self-use MOD and is prohibited from distribution!

**Family Vehicle Pack:**
The "Six Family Vehicle Pack" includes all vehicles with attributes modified from the original 7 Days to Die vehicles. With sufficient materials, they can be crafted directly at the workbench, but crafting materials are increased (high-tier vehicles require a tax to the Duke). Crafting conditions are also strict! Models are borrowed from N网Script and Witos大佬’s models. The "Six Family Vehicle Pack" is a free, self-use MOD and is prohibited from distribution!

**Built-in Functional MODs:**
- Liu Chen’s large backpack,简洁UI (simple UI), enemy health display
- Furnace slots increased by 1, totaling 3 slots
- Enhanced attributes for bows, crossbows, sniper rifles, machetes, torches, and burning rods
- Trader quests can be upgraded after completing 7 quests
- Traders will display 10 quests at a time
- Hit feedback on enemies: white cross for a hit, red cross for a headshot
- Increased duration of碾压王糖果 (Crushing King Candy)
- Zombie corpses can be looted

Many people have been asking when the next update will be released. I’m excited to announce that Adventure Mode and Cold Wave Mode ("The Long Cold Night") will be released on December 25, 2024 (Christmas Day), and Despair Mode ("Death Winter") will be released on January 20, 2025 (Great Cold)! So, stay tuned. Farewell, survivors!

"Solomon's Treasure II: Death Winter" is produced by Liu Chen Studio. Unauthorized commercial use is prohibited! QQ: 112333754

Liu Chen’s 7 Days to Die QQ Group: 914939858 2024-12-25

**Original 8K Map** V1.2 "Solomon's Treasure II: The Long Cold Night" Christmas Edition Released! 2024-12-25

**Site Announcement:**

Thanks to the support of Duhe大佬 (Duhe大佬’s support): The dual-version release of "Solomon's Treasure II" & "The Undead Apocalypse" is here! It’s amazing! For more information about the "The Undead Apocalypse"大型MOD (large MOD), please visit:



"Solomon's Treasure II Remastered" V1.1

**Family Factions Introduction:**
1. **Duke’s Faction** — The largest faction in the wasteland! In the apocalypse, everyone must use the "Duke’s Coin" issued by the Duke for trade settlements! Otherwise, you’ll be thrown into mines, the sea, or killed outright!
2. **White River Faction** — Traders Jen and Trader Rektor must pay "protection fees" to the Duke every month, and the Duke provides some military support. Rektor also submits a portion of farm produce every quarter, earning the Duke’s praise. Rektor, backed by the Duke’s faction, often bullies other survivors.
3. **Skywalker Family** — Trader Joel is the Duke’s most trusted liaison, but Joel also engages in black market dealings with other factions, whether for goods or intelligence.
4. **Steel Brotherhood** — Trader Bob is a member of the Steel Brotherhood, confident in his vehicle modification and weapon customization skills! He’s also a master of stealth assassinations, nicknamed "Shadow of the Desert"!
5. **Eastern Red Dragon Army** — Trader Xiu was a sniper in the Eastern Red Dragon Army before retiring. During a mission, he was ambushed, and while he escaped with his life, the entire Jiaolong Special Forces team was wiped out, and he lost his right eye. Now, he helps the Eastern Red Dragon Army with logistics.
6. **Skinners Cult** — The Skinners Cult is entirely composed of people with indigenous bloodlines. Known for their high-level assassination skills and mysterious dark voodoo style, they are feared by all! They distrust outsiders, and prisoners of war rarely return alive! Their flag is a black bull’s head, and their faction supplies are old western boxes (gold, silver, diamonds) and rotten wooden crates.

Each of the six families has its own territory, faction buildings, and supply crates. For example, if you’re looking for weapon crates and food crates, head to the Eastern Red Dragon Army’s faction buildings! Duke’s faction buildings have all types of supply crates!
The White River Faction and the Skywalker Family are allied. The Steel Brotherhood and the Eastern Red Dragon Army are friendly, but it’s a relationship of mutual use. The Skywalkers and the Brotherhood are hostile to each other. The Skinners Cult is hostile to all outsiders.

**About the Map Legend:**
- White text represents level 1-2 buildings, with no numbers indicating non-quest buildings.
- Yellow text represents level 3 buildings.
- Orange text represents level 4 buildings.
- Red text represents level 5 buildings.
- Red text with gold borders represents level 7 legendary quests!
- Large red text with gold borders represents level 8 epic quests! These are the final通关 (clearance) quests!

**Current Pricing:**
- 28.8 RMB for the正式版 (official version) V1.1 "Solomon's Treasure II Remastered"单机联机版 (single-player and multiplayer version).
- 68.8 RMB for the正式版 (official version) V1.1 "Solomon's Treasure II Remastered"服务器版 (server version).

**About the Server Version:** You need to understand our relevant付费政策 (payment policies) and须知内容 (terms and conditions). Respecting创作 (creativity) leads to continuous high-quality content output. We hope our小伙伴们 (friends) can understand creators with a more包容的心态 (inclusive mindset). Thank you for your support! Finally, we wish everyone快乐游戏 (happy gaming) and快乐人生 (a happy life)!

"Solomon's Treasure II Remastered" is produced by Liu Chen Studio. Unauthorized commercial use is prohibited! QQ: 112333754

Liu Chen’s 7 Days to Die QQ Group: 914939858 2024-11-15

**Original 8K Map** V1.2 "Solomon's Treasure II: The Long Cold Night" Christmas Edition Released! 2024-12-25

**About the Author Super Liu Chen’s Other Works:**

"Navizgan’s Treasure" V1.1


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