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Frist - Any mods?

Second - Running from Base Loader --- or --- SE ( Script Extender )?

Third - No one is comfortable downloading stuff from another person computer if they do not know them. So the file will not be looked at. Besides, crash logs are usually not all that helpful.

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Judging by the logs you have mods installed. And perhaps some of them conflict with each other. First of all, I recommend deleting them, and then checking the integrity of the game files. After that, you can install mods on a clean game. Here is the order by category, as well as a list of mods that definitely work:

1. Scripts

All in one Address Library (Anniversary Edition)-32444-11-1707902394.zip
Faster HDT-SMP-57339-2-5-1-1728377043.7z
JContainers SE-16495-4-2-9-1705929247.7z
PapyrusUtil AE SE - Scripting Utility Functions-13048-4-6-1705639805.zip
SMP-NPC crash fix-91616-1-1684409131.7z

2. Interface

MCM Helper SE (1.5.97 BACKPORT)-53000-1-4-0.7z

After installing these mods, you need to launch the mod manager and select SKSE in the launch options. Next, run Loot to create the load order, and then launch the game itself. After this, you can install other mods and check their functionality.

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It would help if you could answer a few simple questions; what version of the game are you playing and what mod manager are you using? This will aid those who wish to help you in doing so.

At the top of the page you will see a bunch of icons, the one that looks like an eye is the "spoiler" icon. You can post files in that spoiler box so they do not take up an inordinate amount of space.

For instance if you use LOOT under the Game menu you will see "copy load order" you can select that and then paste in the "spoiler" box. I believe Vortex has a similar function to copy your load order so you can paste the file. As i do not use Vortex I am sure one of the respondents can tell you how to use this function in Vortex.

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