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[Fallout: New Vegas] Request for post-apocalyptic cloaks/scarf


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While selection of clothing mods for the game is impressive, there doesn't seem to be a mod that has the long cloaks/scarfs so often depicted in post-apocalyptic movies or other media.

I really liked the idea behind "Coats of Fallout New Vegas" (found here: https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/72178), but the clipping on certain armors, like Marked Patrol Armor makes it look ridiculous. So instead I was looking for cloaks/capes that wouldn't look too out of place in Fallout, but I found no such things. So I hope someone could make such a mod.

Pics for reference (any of them would be fine, and if anyone is willing to do all of them, then go ahead):





Variants for cloaks:

- Short (long as torso), with hood on, as headgear (i.e. equipped like a hat);

- Short, with hood and face cover on, as headgear;

- Long (long as torso and legs), with hood on, as headgear;

- Long, with hood and face cover on, as headgear;

- Short, hood removed, as separate apparel piece (independent from other clothes);

- Short, hood removed, face cover on, as separate apparel piece;

- Long, hood removed, as separate apparel piece;

- Long, hood removed, face cover on, as separate apparel piece.

Clipping through armor is permitted, but it can't be too egregious, like with Coats of FNV.

And that's that. I appreciate anyone who's willing to create such mod. Godspeed.

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