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Can someone port a sword from Witcher 3 to SAE in appropriate way?


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Hello modders! 
I am big fan of feline steel sword from Witcher 3, IMHO the best looking sword in games ever, so simple and aesthetic. But there is not a single mod that allows me to play with this weapon in Skyrim. There was a JRC`s Sword Pack, but it was unfinished and without any blood textures. So, if someone of modders have time and desire, I would love to see this gun in my Skyrim. Thanks 

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  • 2 months later...

Odd how it hasn't been made for Skyrim already, there's a bunch of other Witcher 3 sword mods for Skyrim.  Almost seems like there's a vendetta against that specific one for whatever reason, even though many of the others would have been much more complicated and taken more time to computer-animate (because there's actually some legal issues about directly porting asserts from one game into another game, people have gotten in trouble for that before, check here for details about the rules on that:

Edited by SirCadsimar
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