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"No compatible game being managed"

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Hi everyone, I just bought Skyrim SE off Steam last night and I'm trying to install the mods from the Skyrim Modding Essentials list. But everytime I download a mod on vortex, I get the prompt "No compatible game being managed - The game(s) associated with this download are not managed, Install for the currently managed game?" I selected Skyrim Special Edition in Vortex, and the game folder path is correctly set ("C:/.../steamapps/common/Skyrim Special Edition"). I'm not new to modding, I use Vortex to mod my Steam versions of Oblivion and FO3 with 50+ mods each. So I can't for the life of me figure out what the problem is. Any ideas? Thanks.

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If the truncated portion of your file path above contains "Program Files (x86)" - I don't think that that folder's increased security allows Vortex to work properly.  Check/search in Vortex for "game not managed".  I selected the first two seemingly appropriate results, the second might be a possible cause:


Maybe this will help you check for some simple errors.

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