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Vortex doesn't deploy blank folders in mods


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Vortex 1.13.3
Skyrim SE/AE Steam

Issue: Vortex doesn't deploy blank folders in mods.

Detailed example...


   See Bug Report: Startup Font Asset Error

It appears that Vortex doesn't deploy empty folders in mods. This could cause unseen/unknown issues as some mods require empty folders.

In Vortex I have "Clean up empty directories during deployment" turned OFF.

I could not find any fix/explanation regarding this issue through Google and Nexus support searches.

Is there a setting I am unaware of that I need to set in Vortex to enable deployment of empty folders? If not, could this be added in a future Vortex update please?

Thank you.

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For context as to why my mod Modex has empty folders:

I provided them as an out-of-the-box guideline for users to install custom assets to use. Instead of directing users to manually create the directories themselves (More room for user-error). My plugin is setup to look into these directories specifically for assets, but I mistakenly interpreted these directories missing as an "Error" which prompted OP to reveal the issue. My mod can easily be modified to account for these folders not existing, but I think OP has still has a point when it comes to Vortex not deploying empty folders.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Almost all Vortex extensions and their mod installers will remove empty folders when installing mods. If a mod author needs empty folders for their mod, they should do their own write checks in their applications to ensure those folders are present. 

In short: Modex needs to set up logic to detect if folders are present or not. 

Alternatively, you could place a simple file like a blank text file inside the folder so that it will not be empty.

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