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DAV Frosty Editor Issue

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Has anyone had this error with the Frosty Editor:  Using version, PreReqs are installed, run as admin, find DAV.exe and get "There was an error when trying to load game using specified profile."

FMM launches DAV just fine, installed mods appear to work, both set to run as admin.

I've googled the heck out of this, mostly finding the error message coming from FMM.  I haven't found a Frosty Editor tutorial or YouTube video that deals with this.

Any suggestions, hints, or links are greatly appreciated!

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  • 2 weeks later...

i have a kinda similar problem. frosty won't launch DAV at all, with or without my only two mods enabled. editor doesn't launch it too. when i'm launching the game by itself, it works fine. do you have any idea why it's like this?

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I might have found a solution.

I use the FrostyModManager_Alpha5v2 and it runs without any problem. I first had the latest mod editor installed, but I got that infamous message and didn't know what to do.  Then I uninstalled it and installed the FrostyEditor_Alpha5v2 to have a matching pair, got myself a new encryption key for the latter and disabled "run STEAM / game as admin" again, because it was of no use in this specific case (I tried almost everything the net suggested). At the moment both apps are running smoothly and without any further problems.

Hope this helps.


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Ditto on imlerith's post.  I'm using Frosty Editor version Alpha5v3 now and it launches without problem.  There's more DATV troubleshooting support on Discord than here.  A lot more.

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