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scopeless guass gun?


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personally I've found the addition of a scope to many weapons rather annoying, the .45 magnum for example. I know the guass rifle is supposed to be a sniping weapon, but I prefer the idea of a super assault rifle like in fallout 1 and 2.


I noticed that you appear to be able to move around parts of a mesh, without exporting and reimporting a mesh, I havent been able to find where this function exsists in the GECK, I am led to beleive that people are doing this in nifskope, I however cannot get nifskope to work properly for the life of me ( a fact that has killed my hopes of adding my own weapon models in game).


anyways my request is for someone to make and upload a scopless gauss rifle, or tell me how I can go about messing around with meshes via GECK, though I dont know if the scope of the gauss rifle is even seperate fromt he main body of the gun.


PS. Yes I know that the use of a scope is dependant on a variable in an items tuple, and not on the mesh.


EDIT: sorry bout the mispell in the name...

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