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Funnest twists to HOMM5, new ideas


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Note: None of these mods are meant to be very balanced. Just to have fun.

You don't have to do all 4, even 1 is good!

1.  Infinite recruitment

The idea with this is there is no limit to how many creatures you can recruit. All creature growth becomes non-existent. When you build the building that allows the recruitment of a certain creature or creature upgrade, it unlocks that upgrade (like in base game). However, instead of being limited to a fixed number of creatures before waiting for the new week, it is infinite (represented by 999999, an infinite symbol, a "-", or something like that).

When recruiting, clicking on it shows (and recruits) as many units as you have money for (but keep toggle of number you want to recruit from base gameplay). 

2. The Ultimate hero

Simple, when you start the game, the hero starts with the ultimate ability for that faction and nothing else (skill-wise).

For example: A new game with the demon lord means the hero has "instant gating" right off the bat.

3. Boosted racial/class abilities

This mod would include a slider in the creation of a new game somewhere that allows you to multiply the effects of the racial/class abilities to extreme levels (maybe like 100x or 1,000x maximum). It would increase the boost, without making it more expensive or difficult to achieve.

This means:

-Knight heroes would have increased attack damage, and/or more creatures to train

-Demon lords would be able to gate more creatures, and/or more experience from experience pit

-Necromancers would have an increased amount of dark energy, and/or creatures to raise

-Warlocks would have increased elemental damage, and/or sacrifice pit effect

-Rangers would deal more damage to favored enemies, and/or luck damage

-Wizards would have stronger artificing effects, and/or spell damage

-Runemages would have stronger rune effects, and/or more 

-Barbarians would have more rage (maximum and gain, NOT MORE LOSS), and/or more money gained from selling creatures

4. Prestige/ascension feature

The idea with this mod is to reward players that have been playing the maps over and over again. After a while, it becomes a little stagnant as there is no future progress beyond completing a map (except campaign, but that also can become stale after many rounds). Therefore, this mod would incorporate a prestige/ascension system somewhere on the main page where your experience is cumulative for extra benefits, as well as stars that you receive based on how well you beat the map.

Experience: This is an experience bar that works like a hero's experience bar, (but more linear growth, not exponential) and increases with experience rewards from any hero in any game. Every time you level up, you get points (Points earned = new level/10. Round to nearest whole number. MINIMUM 1 point). Points can then be spent on small boosts such as:

1 point for +1% money gain

1 point for +1% visibility and/or movement (whatever makes more sense)

1 point for +1% spell effect

1 point for +1% mana regen and max mana

1 point for -1% spell cost (-100% does NOT mean everything always free.)

25 points for unlocking another space for army. (In base game, have 7 slots for units. This increases that number by 1)

25 points for unlocking another skill slot (column or row. When buy column, then cost for row increases by 10% [exponential]. When buy row, the cost for column increases by 10% [exponential]) *Feel free to modify the numbers a tiny bit to make more sense.

1 point = +1% artifact effect

Stars: This is a more powerful set of "points" that you gain based on how well you beat a map. This is followed by the formula:

Next level = 5 + (current level/2) stars.
You gain stars in the following ways:

+5 stars per enemy player you defeated

+5 stars if beat the map quickly. Formula is (months/map size). When value reaches 2, -1 star. If reach 3, -2 stars, etc. (Minimum 0 stars for this section)

*Map size determined by 1 for tiny, 2 for small, 3 for normal, 4 for large, etc...

+2 stars if you never lost a battle (1 for no castles lost, and 1 for no battles lost)

+1 star per battle rated MODERATE in which you lost <1% of your army. (% based on number of tiers in army)

+2 stars per battle rated CHALLENGING in which you lost <1% of your army.

+3 stars per battle rated HIGH in which you lost <1% of your army.

+4 stars per battle rated DEADLY in which you lost <1% of your army.

+3 stars if captured all buildings (resources, dens, outposts, mines, etc...)

+5 stars if beat players only in their castles (no outside battles)

+1 x (difficulty) stars if no spells cast at all

The points received from star levels are different than experience points and are used for more powerful bonuses. You gain (Points = star level/5) Rounded to nearest whole number (Minimum 1 point). Some bonuses you can spend these points on are:

1 point for +1% recruitment

1 point for +1% creature stats (attack, defense, min and max damage, health)

1 point for +1% hero stats (ALL expect luck and morale)

1 point for +1% chance of receiving free skill on new level (On top of normal skill selection) [capped at 99%]

1 point for +1% chance of receiving extra artifact (rolls every time you get an artifact from anywhere) [capped at 99%

*For prestige function, feel free to add more options that I forgot here. The idea is slow improvement that you can turn on or off when selecting a game to play. Gives a chance for players who played a lot to continue without repeating over and over again.

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