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Elden Ring - Unfaltering Prayer Ash of War


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Hi there,

I would really really really appreciate it if someone with the knowledge could bring back the Unfaltering Prayer Weapon Skill from Talismans in Dark Souls 3 to Elden Ring.

Essentially my idea would be to make it an Ash of War that can be put on any Catalyst (maybe only Incantation Catalysts or Sacred Seals to keep it thematic?), that at an additional FP cost that is reasonable will allow you to get a large amount of poise or hyperarmor during the casting animation.

Maybe the effect of Endure Ash of War could be used since Endure already does what is needed. But just combine it with the actual casting of the spell.

Would love it if someone could make this happen as I am not very knowledgeable on Modding myself.

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