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Deadly Reflex Issues


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Yep, I'm having issues with Deadly Reflex. I downloaded 5.0 and the new patch that was released yesterday, messed around with it for a while, and thought everything was good. Later, I downloaded Unnecessary Violence, played with it a while, thought everything was good. Everything stayed good until this morning, when Deadly Reflex started to flup up a lil. As long as I have UV installed, I can't use the Deadly Reflex moves - that includes the bashing, dodging, everythin' - unless, that is, I zoom out of first person. I'm finding this really frustrating in combat, because as you can imagine, it doesn't really work to hit somebody, zoom out, zoom back in, hit em again, and repeat, while there's four or five bandits surrounding you.

Does anybody have any suggestions on how I can fix this problem? As I said, this only happens when I have UV installed - right when I uninstalled the program, everything started to work again. If seeing my load order will help, just tell me how to find it on my computer. :V (I use BOSS and OBMM to sort everything).

Also, I have all the most recent patches in all of my mods as well as the UOP and the OP.

Thanks in advance!

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The creators of those two mods (HeX_0ff and Skycaptain) are doing all they can to make the two mods compatible with each other. In the meantime, have you tried using UV's FFP (Faked First Person) mode? If it is turned on, try turn it off and test. If it is off, try turn it on and test.
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  • 2 months later...
I have the exact same problem as the original poster. For some of my characters deadly reflexes works fine, but for my main character all the moves stopped working in first person after using them once. I have unnecessary violence as well and it is definitely the cause of the problem but I don't want to play without it. I think it may have something to do with animations. If someone knows a fix that would be great
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  • 2 months later...
Did you try the fix I suggested in my first reply?

I'm having the same issue, and I did try your suggestion. I completely disabled Fake-First-Person and the variables in the UV.ini file to switch from first to FFP/Third Person when using the combat moves, and the DR Dodge and Shield Bash keys still didn't work.


I'm thinking replacing the third-person camera would be a viable alternative however, as it always works in third-person (And apparently fake-first-person), but somehow doesn't in first person after the first press. It may be related to hitting one of the Deadly Reflex keys and performing a move with Deadly Reflex while still in Fake-First-Person, which could muck up several things when it gets back to true first person, since it seems to be fine with third-person and a consistently-enabled fake-first-person.

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You could try wait for Deadly Reflex v6 which, if the rumours are to be believed, is due to be released sometime within the next month.


Other than that, I can't think of any solutions other than uninstalling UV or checking for an updated version.

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