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FALLOUT 4: No selling or taking of equipped items (player/companions) QOL fix


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When you click "Take All" from a companion, it'll also take whatever they're wearing.

Like Dogmeat and his various armors; if you "Take All"--at a vendor, say, and he's been acting as your pack mule--you'll then have to give the armor back and re-equip it. Kind of a pain in the butt.

Similarly, if you've got a bunch of stacked bits of armor or weapons in your own inventory, and one of them is equipped, it's very easy to accidentally sell all of them...and then you'll have to re-equip it when you've taken it back because even putting that item in a sell list will un-equip it. Also kind of a pain in the butt.

So the mod idea I've got is that, if an item is flagged as "equipped" (or however it works), you cannot transfer it or sell it until it's been un-equipped. Pretty please? 

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