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CTD and can't identify the reason.

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Everything was working great, didn't have any crashes before. Didn't download any new mods, already checked for updates, already verified steam integrity files, already ran loot. Was playing before I went to bed woke up today, went to go play and CTD. I use MO2 and when I launch through MO2 it CTD but when I go and launch SKSE from within the folder where my game is, it works but it extends off of the screen and my Untarnished UI doesn't work. Loot isn't telling me I am missing any master files, and both my plugin and mod list hasn't changed. I don't exceed the active plugin or mod limit.

Crash log:


SKSE launched from folder instead of MO2:


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Thanks to the lovely RomatebitegeL on reddit, they told me that I was missing a master and I needed to download SSE Engine Fixes. For some reason after months of using SSE Engine Fixes, bitedefender deleted all of my SSE Engine Fixes related files and that Engine Fixes was the missing master mod.

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