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"Divorced" A Follower From A Follower Mod, and Now the Other One I Married Is Broken - Any Way To Fix?

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I'm using the mod Khajiit Will Follow.

So I married S'ariq, decided I didn't really like him that much and used some console commands to "divorce" him.
The ones I specifically used are:
removefac 51596
player.removefac C6472
resetquest 74793
resetquest 21382
setstage 74793 10

Found this on a guide on Steam.
S'ariq then started walking away and the game recognized that we are no longer married.

I then decided to marry a different character from the mod, Nanak.
But this is broken now.

Once the marriage ceremony is over, Nanak constantly tries to initiate the post-marriage dialogue with me, but he never says it. Sometimes a blank dialogue box will appear for a split second and his mouth will move a tiny bit, but he's never able to actually do the dialogue. If I tab out, he will follow me forever, constantly trying to initiate it. Forever, with no success. I can still have him follow me and all of that works fine, but the game itself never fully recognizes that we are married, and therefor I'm unable to set him to any player home, that option does not exist.
It doesn't matter how many days pass or how long he follows me, as soon as I dismiss him he goes back to his immediately-post-marriage state and tries to initiate that dialogue with me again. If I walk too far away, he will go all the way back to the Temple of Mara, which is permanently set as his home location now.

I tried several different things and have a save before the marriage, but not one before "divorcing" S'ariq, as that was many many in-game days and lots of progress before now.
I tried some different console commands, killing S'ariq, resurrecting him and then doing more console commands, but nothing fixes it.
The game refuses to fully acknowledge the marriage and will not allow Nanak to initiate post-marriage dialogue.

Is there anything I can do to fix this?

Edited by TripleBork
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