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Game Crashing

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So I'm on a quest to figure out why my game keeps crashing within fixe minutes of starting my game. I tried wiping my game, starting new saves and all that fun stuff. Then I installed a mod to see the source behind the crashing and got this:

Any ideas on how to fix it?


[0 ] 0x7FF71670DB61 SkyrimSE.exe+0CEDB61

lock cmpxchg [rsi+8],ecx

[1 ] 0x7FF71670C87C SkyrimSE.exe+0CEC87C

mov rax,rbx

[2 ] 0x7FF715DE4021 SkyrimSE.exe+03C4021

inc edi

[3 ] 0x7FF715DE4080 SkyrimSE.exe+03C4080

inc edi

[4 ] 0x7FF715DDC2F8 SkyrimSE.exe+03BC2F8

mov r14d,0FFFFFFFFh

[5 ] 0x7FF715DDCB29 SkyrimSE.exe+03BCB29

test al,al

[6 ] 0x7FF715BB297C SkyrimSE.exe+019297C


[7 ] 0x7FF71681E790 SkyrimSE.exe+0DFE790

mov rcx,[rdi+68h]

[8 ] 0x7FF7166F0DBD SkyrimSE.exe+0CD0DBD

mov rcx,[24FB55Bh]

[9 ] 0x7FFD8070259D KERNEL32.DLL+001259D BaseThreadInitThunk

mov ecx,eax

[10] 0x7FFD822CAF38 ntdll.dll+005AF38 RtlUserThreadStart

jmp short 0000000000000021h

Edited by Kittensgomoo
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