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New level up


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Please tell me how can I make a mod so that before increasing attributes for a new level, they take gold from me to increase the level? I want it to not only require enough experience to level up, but also cost gold. The higher the level, the more. Before the attribute selection menu (magic, health, stamina), we saw a menu in which we were asked - Do you want to increase your level for "X" gold?
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  • 1 month later...

This is a pretty interesting idea, but there are a few issues with it that make it more complicated than it first seems.

First off, making level-ups cost gold would mean you either need more ways to earn repeatable gold, or players would be forced to rely on things like the Thieves Guild and Dark Brotherhood radiant quests, which could turn into a grind that not everyone would enjoy. You'd essentially be adding another progression gate, which some players might find frustrating unless there are alternative ways to earn gold.

The second major challenge is that this would require a custom menu before the usual level-up screen. Skyrim's UI isn't designed to interrupt the leveling process, so you'd have to create a system where, before the player gets to the attribute selection (Magicka, Health, Stamina), they get a prompt asking if they want to level up for a set amount of gold. If they don’t have enough, they’d have to keep playing until they do.

Now, coding-wise, this is definitely doable, but it requires scripting in Papyrus and some UI modifications. Here's a basic look at how you might start handling it:

Event OnPlayerLevelUp()
    int playerGold = Game.GetPlayer().GetItemCount(Gold001)
    int requiredGold = GetLevelUpCost(Game.GetPlayer().GetLevel())

    If playerGold >= requiredGold
        Game.GetPlayer().RemoveItem(Gold001, requiredGold)
        Debug.Notification("You need " + requiredGold + " gold to level up!")

Function ShowLevelUpMenu()
    Game.ShowPerkMenu() ; This brings up the normal level-up screen

Function GetLevelUpCost(int level)
    Return level * 100 ; Example formula, increases cost per level

This is a rough proof of concept, but you'd need to integrate this properly into the leveling system. You'd also want to modify how experience is handled so that the player doesn’t get stuck with a full XP bar and no way to progress.

If you’re serious about making this, I’d recommend looking into SkyUI’s MCM menu framework( you would need permission to make edits), which would let you add customization options for how much gold is required per level. You’d also need SKSE to properly hook into the UI in a way that doesn’t break the normal level-up process.

So, in short, it’s definitely doable, but it would take a mix of scripting, UI changes, and balancing considerations to make it work in a way that doesn’t just turn Skyrim into a gold-grind simulator. which i don't think any modder would really look into. 

Edited by ZeroOblivion27
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  • 2 weeks later...

Just yesterday, I noticed that my question was answered. I liked your answer so much that I was both inspired and disappointed, as my level of script creation leaves much to be desired. In this regard, I wanted to ask for the creation of this mod, if it is interesting. I thought about the formula and came up with a starting one for balance - (Hero level * (250-hero level)). Although I really liked the idea of an MCM menu, it would be difficult but cool.Thanks for the answer

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