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Can I create a new copy of my current modlist in MO2 to be used for editing while the original copy sits to the side and is safe in case of any mistakes made?


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So kind of like the title says, I am looking for a way where I can make an exact copy of my modlist in MO2 that I currently have so that I can make adjustments (remove some mods I don't like, add some new, edit some others, etc.) for a sort of 2.0 version of my list. Yes I am just going to edit my current list, but I am pretty happy overall with how it currently is, and have had to delete a previous large modlist that became corrupted from an error that I was unable to fix so I am just worried about what happens if I go too far with the list and run into another problem I am unable to fix. I just want to have a way where if something goes wrong, I can revert back to the original list and try again, or at least still have a list that I really like at least. 

I know MO2 has Profiles and Instances and even a backup function of some sort, but I am unsure which is the best for a situation like this. Again, just looking to have 2 copies of the same list, one for safe keeping and one for editing to (hopefully) be my new main list. Thanks!

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zip or rar 3 potential folders----

Mod Organizer 2 install directory

Skyrim install directory (if you make edits to base Skyrim, such as installing SKSE mods directly instead of MO2, or ENBs or mods that require base folder installation instead of data folder)

** my setup, I keep my profile/mod directories in their own folder outside of MO2 install directory (paranoid about update deletions)... if you also do so, include this folder, otherwise, it is by default included in the MO2 install directory

If you mess up/make skyrim unplayable, you can simply delete those *3 folders and replace to restore original functionality without reinstalling ANYTHING

Then you can edit and test your 2.0 version at your leisure with a full backup

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