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Clean start


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Hey all, 

This is my first time posting here. I need your help.

Lately, I started feeling like the mods I have completely broke the game & each other. some are really old and have not been updated in ages, some are probably not as compatible. Some I tried to uninstall like the convenient horses mod and suddenly no horse in Skyrim worked properly so I had to reinstall and keep it disabled.

To make it short: Is there a way to completely clear out my game files? I know it means I'm giving up on the save that's dependent on the mods, that's fine. But I think I will delete all the current mods and try to launch a clean install to see the game work properly. then maybe install mods again.


Also, it's kind of annoying to have no choice but using the vortex to lunch the game. is there a workaround instead of the skse?

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Read up on profiles in Vortex.  There is a way to set a profile that has no mods installed, and you can leave your current setup untouched.  Just don't uninstall anything.  I haven't used it properly since I first tried it (haven't needed to), or I would talk you through it.  There are plenty who can, however.

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6 hours ago, 7531Leonidas said:

Read up on profiles in Vortex.  There is a way to set a profile that has no mods installed, and you can leave your current setup untouched.  Just don't uninstall anything.  I haven't used it properly since I first tried it (haven't needed to), or I would talk you through it.  There are plenty who can, however.

Huh, didn't hear about that. good to know! I'll check it out.


I also saw some ppl recommending outright deleting both the folder in Documents and in Appdata. isn't that a bit of an overkill?

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I 'think' that you simply have to set up a new profile on your Skyrim install, and disable all mods.  If you uninstall any mods, they will be removed from all profiles, IIRC.

The folder deletion usually applies to correcting a broken Vortex, you could search the Vortex Support forum for more info about that.  I think that I would ask around for help on setting up a no-mod profile and a minimal mod profile, one in which you just install SKSE64, USSEP, and bugfix mods.  That minimal profile could be the one you use to start more complex modded profiles and test them.

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